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MKPNews->Announcements->ReX Released!   
ReX Released!

I'm proud to announce that Diablo Expansion: The Rebirth version Public Test 1.0 is available for download in the section "Latest Release", in the left-side menu. ReX Online's server is ready to accept this version. Enjoy ;)

WARNING: converting characters from latest version of Rebirth will be considered cheating and will cause permanent ban from server and site/forum, as already happened today. Please be aware of it, since the Terms Of Usage specifically deny any cheating behaviour.
If these episode will happen again, I'll be forced to totally change character saving in next versions, so any other character file will be lost. Please remind this, since I don't want to find myself in this position.
Thanks everyone for collaboration.

Sono orgoglioso di annunciare che la versione pubblica di Diablo Expansion: The Rebirth (Public Test 1.0) è disponibile per il download nella sezione "Scarica ReX", nel menu a destra. Il server di ReX Online è pronto ad accettare questa versione in ingresso...divertitevi ;)

by LABiRi, Sunday, 06 August 2006 02:41, Comments(3)
06 Aug 2006
Great work!!! It's the best version what i play! Best wishes
06 Aug 2006
God bless you! Keep the good work!
Best wishes from Poland.
06 Aug 2006
Grande Labbo!

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